
视频 | 扎根上海⑤:进口非特殊用途化妆品变得非常快捷


看看新闻Knews记者 陈璇 黄苑卿

2020-06-19 09:04


China imported 14.31trillion yuan worth of goods in 2019. Cosmetics ranked first in sales volume. A trial for new regulations was established in the Pudong Free Trade Zone for new Imported Non-Special-Purpose Cosmetics in March of 2017. A new simplified process shortened application time from 2 months to 5 days, more than 1,850 tons Non-Special-Use Cosmetics were imported into Pudong during the first year of the new regulations. Another 10 Free Trade Zones adopted these regulations in 2018, which is finally expanding to the rest of China. Shiseido established its China branch in Pudong in 2003, they were an important contributor to the development on the Free Trade Zone in Shanghai.


“Importing Non-Special-Use cosmetics to China is very easy, whereas previously it was a huge problem. Currently, for these products, this new system has cut the import time down by 2 months. Thanks to this regulation, we have already registered nearly 1,000 products so far.”

(看看新闻Knews记者:陈璇 黄苑卿 编辑:Stephen Rancourt 实习生:张泓 任天昂)

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